Проект «SENSE»

26 Apr 2021
smiling woman looking hopefully into the distance through the window blinds
SENSE означает «смысл, чувство, ощущение». В центре внимания – Человек, как мозаика, сотканный из фрагментов эмоций, мыслей и чувств, которые спонтанно рождаются и исчезают. Это порождает многочисленные грани одного целого. Какими бы разнообразными они не были, все это складывается в единый образ - Человека. Благодаря этой мозаике, он выделяется среди всего живого на Земле.

four young people lie naked on old boat near seashore exposing their bottoms and feet to the sun not worrying about anything

fragment of the lips and nose on the girl's face

young man exhales hookah smoke mysteriously and slyly

portrait of young lady with a theatre mask earring and a sly smile that hides her face behind a fan

sensual mouth with flirty nose and long hair of a girl

glacial stream water flows through the long fingers of a strong man hand

pink lips of an opened mouth of a curious little girl

five naked pregnant women lying in a circle

naked torso and breast of a girl painted in bronze

nude girl stands with her back and her shape is entwined with black ribbon

woman legs stretching the toe on a black sheet

girl headed up with flying long hair and a gaze directed upward

man shape and hand through wet glass

low-cut off dress baring a girl shoulder and neck shape

girl leg pointing centre of wooden circle shaped sofa

little girl in a headscarf and a blouse with a lowered shoulder strap on the wooden wall background

girl hands and neck

girl nude back and bottom with a long curl
nude girl with her hands around her head and body painted in silver
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